
Endpoint Protection

Endpoint Protection


Endpoint security, as used in IT security, is a technique for safeguarding the corporate network when accessed through remote devices like laptops, smartphones, and other wireless devices. Sholla provides sophisticated automated threat detection and response capabilities to combat an expanding range of ransomware and threats.
In the ever-changing world of technology, you require security that goes beyond antivirus software. We offer superior threat detection, response, and investigation capabilities with current borderless networks—all from within a single agent.


Mobile Threat Prevention

Mobile attacks are developing at a rate of more than 120% over the last two years and there is a consistent growth in organizations that are interested in understanding and implementing mobile security and mobile threat defense in particular for the employees. Sholla’s advised Mobile Threat Protection delivers enterprise-grade mobile device security against emerging mobile threats. Through patented, on-device behaviour analytics and simple integration with Mobile Iron, we provide the first mobile threat management solution that immediately detects and remediates against mobile cyber-attacks. Our mobile threat defense components include the app that protects against the network and host.


The challenge of protecting endpoints is intensified by today’s technology trends that support the policy of BYOD at work. Making sure that sensitive data is secured in the case of device loss has never been more difficult.
Sholla suggests Endpoint Encryption safeguards data on a wide range of devices.
1. PCs and MacBooks
2. Laptops and Desktops
3. External Drives and other Removable Media.
The endpoint encryption solution from Sholla associate’s enterprise-wide full disk, file/folder, and removable media encryption to stop unauthorized access and use of private information. A single, well-integrated management console allows you to manage your users holistically using the same console for endpoint protection and other security products.

Application White Listing

Application whitelisting or application control is a security competency that significantly decreases malware and other harmful security attacks by allowing only approved and trusted files, applications, and processes to be installed and run on a system.
Sholla advices real-time dynamic whitelisting for enterprises where security is a critical concern. In today’s high-risk cyber world, it’s critical to have a complete endpoint security solution that includes whitelisting so that sensitive data is continually protected. Based on strict policies of allowable activities, whitelisting and application control allows for critical system lockdowns in real time that automatically prevent all untrusted files, applications, and processes from executing. With these sophisticated capabilities, companies can:
1. Stop attacks by allowing only approved software to run
2. Automate software approvals and updates via IT and cloud-driven policies
3. Prevent unwanted change to system configuration at the core and user mode levels
4. Power device control and file integrity monitoring and control capabilities
5. Meet IT risk and audit controls across major regulatory mandates

Endpoint APT

Defenceless endpoints can become the most significant factors in inviting vulnerabilities into the organizational environment that put an entire business at risk from threats, data loss, and unauthorized access. To mitigate these risks, businesses implement endpoint security, but this can challenge security administrators in multiple ways.
In recent years, however, the threat has shifted from viruses to highly sophisticated attacks that the market calls advanced persistent threats (APTs). Antivirus and first-generation anti-malware products have proven ineffective at stopping these threats since APTs are highly dynamic and most go undetected.
A whole new set of security products and approaches have emerged to prevent the new advanced threats and stop zero-day attacks.

Patch Management

Keeping up with the constant stream of security threats and patches is an ongoing drain on IT staff. Organizations must be able to research, evaluate, test, and apply patches across the enterprise easily and automatically. With the majority of vulnerabilities affecting third-party applications, patching and updating operating systems just isn’t enough. With our patch management solution, your enterprise can discover, assess, and remediate thousands of client systems comprehensively, consistently, and regularly, based on policies you define and without saturating your network or disrupting user productivity.
Here’s how patch management can be achieved efficiently using our solution:
1. See, assess, and protect your heterogeneous client environment
2. Protect your client systems—and your bottom line—with greater compliance
3. Patch more systems faster with fewer network impacts
4.Access and patch devices anywhere in the world
5. Deliver maximum security with minimum disruption for your users

Advanced Endpoint Protection​

Protecting enterprise endpoints is more complex than ever. Employees are using desktops and laptops and other PCs and Macs, in the office and remotely. In many cases, companies are also running file servers on a variety of operating systems. So how do you protect your end users against threats, while setting them free to work without limits?
The answer is an endpoint security suite that supports endpoint flexibility while maintaining security and control, letting you unlock opportunities in your business. Sholla’s endpoint protection platform defends every endpoint against every type of attack, at every stage in the threat lifecycle. This platform unifies prevention, detection, and response in a single purpose-built agent powered by machine learning and automation. It provides prevention and detection of attacks across all major vectors, rapid elimination of threats with fully automated, policy-driven response capabilities, and complete visibility into the endpoint environment with full-context and real-time forensics.